The Truth about Comfort Women
By Henry Scott Stokes, Tony Marano, Kase Hideaki, Moteki Hiromichi,
Abstract: The Truth about Comfort WomenBy Henry Stokes, Tony Marano, Kase Hideaki, Moteki Hiromichi
The so called Comfort Women controversy is humiliating, not only to Japan and the Japanese people, but also to Korea and the Korean people.
If this outrageous story is correct, it is, of course, a serious charge against the Japanese people. But at the same time, it is a a great insult to the Korean people. Because even though 200,000 Korean girls were snatched from their homes, not a single act of resistance, to say nothing of rebellion, occurred in Korea. Isnt’t this seriously disgraceful of the Korean people? Nothing, in the history of the world, compares to such cowardice!
We have compiled this booklet of four essays written by an English reporter, an American author and two Japanese writers. Throuh this booklet, we hope that fair and open minded people throughout the world will come to understand the truth concerning the comfort women issue.