Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

of Historical Fact

(190 articles)
Gunkanjima (Battleship Island): A World Heritage Site Soiled by Korea No.1

By MATSUKI Kunitoshi,

Gunkanjima (Battleship Island): A World Heritage Site Soiled by Korea --Another distortion of history, akin to the “comfort women” By Matsuki Kunitoshi Introduction In March 2018, I visited Korea for the media and I was totally…
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Korean Mysticism and Anti-Japanese Thinking Series No.5 + Conclusion

By Tajima Osamu,

Chapter four: Anti-Japanese Korea was made by Japan Varying images of Queen Min, ranging from a vicious beauty to the people’s mother, clockwise from top right: Sino-Japanese War and Amazon Queen Min (1965), Women at Jing Fu Palace (1…
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THE CHINA CANCER: A Taiwanese Physician’s Remedy (Namiki Shobo) Chinese version No.6

By Lin Kenryo,

第五章 日本能成為「怪医秦博士」(Dr. Black Jack)嗎?  第1節 日本必須擺脱社会的幼稚化現象  ●氾濫全日本的幼稚化現象  只有名医「怪医秦博士」、才有能力撃退…
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THE CHINA CANCER: A Taiwanese Physician’s Remedy (Namiki Shobo) No.6

By Lin Kenryo,

CHAPTER 5: CAN JAPAN METAMORPHOSE INTO BLACK JACK? JAPAN, GROW UP! Juvenilization is sweeping Japan We need a nation that embodies the attributes of Black Jack to combat China cancer. But is Japan capable of assuming that role? If Japan …
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Korean Mysticism and Anti-Japanese Thinking Series No.4

By Tajima Osamu,

Chapter 3: A Country of Love and Curse A statue of A Woman of the Earth standing at the House of Sharing—a bronze statue of a bizarre-looking old woman. The culture of grudges is suitable for concrete expression. Wonderland of curs…
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Korean Mysticism and Anti-Japanese Thinking Series No.3

By Tajima Osamu,

1 Chapter two: Love in Utter Agony Tradition and technology—COMPAQ, foreign-capital computer manufacturer’s ad featuring Korean shamanism Anti-Japanese and Japanese loathing Korean grudge and Japanese resignation An emotion underly…
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THE CHINA CANCER: A Taiwanese Physician’s Remedy (Namiki Shobo) Chinese version No.5

By Lin Kenryo,

第四章 「中国癌」是可以医治的  第1節 「中国癌」的治療不能再拖了  ●「中国癌」的分分合合  癌細胞把正常的細胞趕尽殺絶之後、最終把所有的生存環境也都破壊…
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THE CHINA CANCER: A Taiwanese Physician’s Remedy (Namiki Shobo) No.5

By Lin Kenryo,

CHAPTER 4: CHINA CANCER CAN BE CONQUERED CAMPAIGN TO ERADICATE CHINA CANCER MUST BEGIN NOW Vicious cycle: eradication and rebirth Cancer cells devour normal cells, destroy everything around them, and eventually die. They disregard any se…
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Korean Mysticism and Anti-Japanese Thinking Series No.2

By Tajima Osamu,

Chapter one Anti-Japanese Eros Takeshima Island under fortification---The horrible-looking structure makes it appear as if the island were equipped with a chastity belt of concrete. Japan-Korea relationship and co-dependence of …
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THE CHINA CANCER: A Taiwanese Physician’s Remedy (Namiki Shobo) Chinese version No.4

By Lin Kenryo,

第三章 中国人也是中国癌的被害者 第1節 被癌細胞侵蝕的国土   ●万里長城是砂漠化的記念碑  癌細胞所搭乗的「慾望街車」終点站名叫「死亡」。慾望無窮尽的癌細胞…
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