Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

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Even First-Rate Korean Newspapers Are Plagued with Anti-Japanese Fundamentalism

By Nishimura Kohyu,


Abstract: Even First-Rate Korean Newspapers Are Plagued with Anti-Japanese Fundamentalism
Nishimura Kohyu, journalist and critic, suggests that the Korean mistrust and fear of the Japanese crosses over into the realm of paranoia. The Korean mindset is characterized as imagining Japanese demons lurking behind every bush and the over-the-top, unreasoned responses to perceived wrongs committed in the past by Japan. Such thinking is characterized by Mr. Nishimura as “fundamentalist,” akin to Muslim fundamentalism espoused by the Taliban. Indeed, Mr. Nishimura suggests that shrill anti-Japanese Koreans are currently engaging in “information terrorism,” comparing past and present Japanese acts, no matter how innocuous, to Nazi atrocities.